About Us
SAM was founded in 2012 by a group of doctors and software developers. We specialised in Healthcare IT services provision, ranging from Government, Healthcare sector, NGO to Enterprise. And we are supported by our technical talents both locally and from the Greater Bay Area.
Product & Service
We provide a spectrum of healthcare IT solutions ranging from Elderly Home Management System, Clinic Management System (CMS) for Western Medicine, Clinic Management System (CMS) for Chinese Medicine, to our Electronic Medical Document (eMD) System.
Apart from software development, we also provide services including IT End User Support Service, Independent Software Testing Service, eHRSS connection implementation, and implementation of tailor-made IT solution services.
Our Clientele
We pride ourselves in partnering with a number of institutions to develop integrated solutions and services; where each product is definitely is a combination of innovations, user participation and experience, compliance and regulatory reporting requirement. Some of them are listed below.
Government Departments and Bureau under SOA-QPS5
System Aid Medical Services Limited

Room 1506, 15/F, Beverly House, 93 Lockhart Road,
Wanchai, Hong Kong
2151 2823 9030 2199
2151 2850